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For more information on Wyrd and the other teachings within the Mother temple please refer to Faith Magick.

The Wyrd is the interconnected nature of all life. It is described as a life force that runs through all things - stone, wood, water, creatures - and which connects them like a vast web of threads. The monks of the Abbey in Dort are taught are how to recognise and use wyrd to achieve harmony and eventual unity with Mother Earth. By traveling the paths of the web, a Wyrd-worker can trace the health and wellness of the Tether.

Wyrd is another name for energy as used in more traditional teachings. Each priest perceives the Wyrd differently but the most common way is a mesh of multi-colored strands. Some hear it as the Song of the Mother. Others simply feel it in their bones. Regardless of the initial way of sensing, eventually one perceives the Wyrd with all the senses of the Tether world and beyond that with an intuition.

Because it is used from an idealistic point of view, Wyrd is considered a form of Faith Magick and Druidism. This particular sect of the Mother is devoted to whole of the lifecycle from birth unto death. Thus they are skilled midwives to bring you into the world, skilled healers to keep you in this world, and when the time comes for you leave this world they guide your steps until you take the final one only you can take.

Their magic is limited to the living and to the natural. The farther removed from its natural state something is, the less you can effect it through the Wyrd. For example, the Wyrd can heal a living tree. If freshly cut, the Wyrd could attach a tree limb or cause the cutting to root and take life on its own. Such things as a wooden wall or a ship would be invisible to the Wyrd.

The philosophy that the Abbey teaches comes from the peaceful nature of the healers that founded the Abbey. They teach that Wyrd should be used for peaceful purposes only and in moderation. Yet, the slashing claws of the predator and culling necessity of illness is also the Mother's way and the Wyrd is equally adept at cutting a life short as it is at healing it. Great harm can from the Wyrd when the Mother wills it.

The 6 lessons of Wyrd:

  • Wyrd shall not be used to bring harm, to injure or control others. But if the need arises then Wyrd shall be used to protect your life or the life of others.
  • Wyrd is used only as need dictates.
  • Wyrd may be used for your own gain, as long as by doing so you harm none.
  • It is unwise to accept money for the use of Wyrd, for it quickly controls the taker.
  • Use not Wyrd for prideful gain, for such cheapens its mystery.
  • Ever remember that Wyrd is the sacred gift of Mother Earth, and should never be misused or abused.