Playing FAQ

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This page contains questions frequently asked by players new to Tazlure, on the topic of playing the game.

Q. How do you play Tazlure?

A. Tazlure is a writing game played on boards, also known as Play by Post. Our roleplaying here is not much like D&D with sheets and stats. Think of it more like "play pretending" that kids do. Pretending to be a character. It is more akin to acting a part on a stage than anything else. Read more on How to Play here.

Q. So how do I start playing once I've been accepted?

Go to the area of your choice. Your moderator will have indicated if you need to start at the gates or can make a post in the city. The gates usually have one long flowing thread called "Entrance thread". To create other posts you copy past the location description and get going.

Q. My human is at basic. How do I play that?

A. If you are a really good roleplayer you might want to give your character the quirk of making halted simple sentences and not understanding everything that is said in Human. However, in the interest of the game this is often ignored, alas.

Q. My thread is "impassable due to impending death"

A. That means that you cannot create another thread to play in. Your PC is in serious trouble. The IC consequences of that thread may well mean that your PC dies. A moderator has to pre-announce this death in an OOC note or a PM so that you can possibly change your PC's behavior and save the day.

In Tazlure we embrace the danger of your PC truly dying because we like the tension and the epic tales that it involves. Rest assured that IF your PC dies you may make a replacement PC with some IC and OOC advantages. Discuss this with your moderator.

Q. Help! somebody just walked into my thread...

A. Yes, isn't it fun? In Tazlure all players can enter all threads as long as they do so in a logical, realistic way. Your thread is never private in that sense.

Ocassionally a moderator may mark a thread CLOSED. This means to enter that thread you need the permission of a mod, not that the thread will be exclusive for your PC.

Q. Does my PC need a job?

A. Depends on what kind of plotlines you want! It is unlikely your PC will run out of money, but a job can be a fun way to interact with other PCs or have a direction for your stories.

Q. Where do I go if I want to learn magick?

A. You can go anywhere you like. Each area has its own flavour to magick. While you will not always find official institutions you will be able to find private mentors.

We recommend that you try to learn magick while in a good adventure or hot plotline, instead of doing endless training threads. They are usually boring for everybody involved.

Q. How can I speed up the game?

A. By making sure you are in a thread with people that have the same posting rate as you. Check in the profiles who else is a hyper poster if you want more frequent interaction. You should also seek to minimize your need for a moderator, since Mods are busy people and might not be able to post as often as you'd like in that particular thread. Interact with PCs mostly and you'll see that even multiple postings in one evening are possible if that is your cup of tea. In the case of some threads the moderator will only monitor what happens without even posting.

You can be in more than one thread at the same time. You can read more about that in our article on Fudging.

Remember that Tazlure is more of a sim/plotline than an action orientated game. While adventures are constantly available there are many other role-playing opportunities, such as training, having a job, shopping etc. all of which are best enjoyed if you do some detailing. If you are in it only for the hack and slash this game might appear very slow to you.

It is important that you communicate with your mod about the problem you are experiencing. In all likelihood your mod can help you find some alternative threads that are appropriate to your storyline. We aim to please, but if you do not tell us what would please you, we'll be groping in the dark ;)

Q. Do I have to role play all travel?

A. No, you only have to take into account how much IC time it takes to travel from one point to the next or even the next city if you are jumping forums. If you are working with a mod then perhaps you can discuss doing an official Time Jump.

If you are clever about how you travel, there is usually a very rapid way of getting between the most important locations in Tazlure. Portals allow instantaneous travel. (Note that sometimes this causes your character to effectively travel "back in time", as Tazlure, like the Earth, has different time zones across its surface. If you are uncertain about this, contact your moderator.) Airships are another fast method of travelling, although they are rare and only found in the possession of characters from World's Mouth, where they were invented.

Q. Can I assume to see, hear or know everything the moderator describes?

A. Unless a Moderator takes the initiative to direct an action or words at a specific character, it is fair to assume that anyone in that thread AT the time of the post was close enough to hear it. This bars common sense things, such as hearing a conversation from across a crowded tavern etc. or overhearing something in a kitchen if your character is in the garden.

Please note that you CANNOT READ MINDS unless you have learned to do so IC. Your moderator may provide inner thoughts of NPCs to clearify their personal motivation or just for fun, but your PC only knows what is being said or done. This include stretches of reality by interpretating action just the right way. This means you as the player may have more information than your character, oh the agony!

Q. This game is semi Free Form. Where is my freedom?

See also above. Through the wealth skill there is a host of things you can assume, depending on how much influence you have IC in the game. You will find that many moderators will allow a bit of leeway in description if it is inconsequential or part of your own space. However, the final determination of the environment is left up to the moderator. The drawback to this is that you have to wait for a moderator to post, but the bonus is that you get the excitement of not knowing how it will end.

Q. What do I do when players disappear while I'm in a thread with their PC?

A. Discuss this with the Moderator involved. The Mod will take over temporary control so you can move on in time without that player. The player will be put on MIA status.

Q. Help, my moderator is absent

A. If you have not received a post within a couple of days be sure to contact your moderator in PM. A thread may have slipped his mind. If this does not help contact the coordinator in PM. If all else fails contact the Game Designers.

Q. Can I coordinate with fellow players when to be in which thread in chat or an OOC thread?

A. Yes, of course you can. How else would a player know you might wish to interact with them? Especially when there are so many differing time stamps. That would also ensure they wanted interaction in their thread in the first place, as some players prefer to keep their threads private. Even moderators may be using OOC threads and chat to coordinate their efforts with players.

Having said that... please keep your meetings realistic and within the setting.

Q. Can I start my own thread?

A. Yes, you can. In fact in those starting posts after you've arrived in the city you can describe the surroundings previously established by the moderators, such as a rose garden. We encourage you to take initiative and not only hover over threads made by moderators. Tazlure becomes a more enjoyable game if you feel free to move around, and are not afraid of player interaction without a moderator. Remember though that you cannot create things that are not part of our setting and have not been previously established by the moderator. This includes not creating NPCs.

Q. Can I be in more than one thread?

A. Yes you can. Tazlure has semi-linear time, allowing multiple threads, and there are nearly always options to have a side thread with other players that doesn't involve moderation, such as a conversation in a tavern or at a campsite, maybe doing some training. An old thread could continue while a new thread has already begun.

Ask your Moderator directly for these possibilities and indicate what you want. Communication is the key. Note that there are exceptional cases in which multiple threads are difficult (for instance if you are in a thread that can't timejump or if you are the only PC in an area). Multiple threads should not add to the burden of moderators. You shouldn't use an excessive amount of multiple threads.

Q. My first post has been ignored for several days.

A. Nearly all forums have clearly marked entrance threads where you may post how your PC arrives in the city. If you post your first actions in another separate thread you are very likely to have been overlooked, especially if it is a busy forum.

Please PM the coordinator of this area. This will most likely solve the problem. If it hasn't in a few days, give us a heads up in the Q&A forum to alert the other mods. Do not wait for more than a week to solve this problem, we have mods who can give you a tie over post while we resolve the issue!

Q. How do I start playing?

A. Do you have a sheet and has it been approved? Then your account has been added to the Player User Group (PUG) and you can now post in the game forums.

Nearly all forums have clearly marked entrance threads where you may post how your PC arrives in the city. Often a supporter in charge of new players is covering this thread and will try and judge what plotlines your PC can be set up with. This part of "starting up" nearly always goes slower than the rest of the game, as in the background we are trying to decide who will pick up your storyline and what we'll do with it. If no entrance thread is available or if you have a very specific request for the moderator use the OOC thread on top of each forum, or PM the coordinator.

Q. Can I create my own shop or organization while playing?

A. Yes you can and many did it before! Be prepared however to put in some genuine effort. There must be a real need for your shop, organization etc.; a market so to speak. Otherwise you will just be competition to a NPC set up that is far more powerful. Both the owners and their sponsors, most likely the local authorities, will do their utmost to neutralize you, seeing you as a threat to public order. Contact your coordinator to see what would be a good course for your character and ask for advice!

Q. How do I gain new skills or advance existing ones?

A. By attempting to use them and write those attempts well. Your threads will be judged by moderators (or skilled) by the use of stars. 5 *'s will mean your skill will go to the next level.