Game Designers

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Job Summary

The Game Designers (or GDs) are Tazlure's administrative staff, and the most senior members on the staff team.

It is the Game Designers' task to deal with all the behind-the-scenes administrative work that Tazlure demands, from site upkeep to legal issues to dealing with player disputes and making sure the game continues to run smoothly. The Game Designers usually appoint Moderators and Coordinators to specific areas, and oversee their efforts to ensure the world as a whole coordinates neatly.

As the most senior members of the staff team, the Game Designers also have the final word on any disputes or large changes that Tazlure undergoes, and set in motion new initiatives and ideas to keep the site active and fun for all her members.

Election of new Game Designers happen on a case to case basis and do not reflect on the talents of the rest of the staff, as the tasks of a GD are sufficiently different from anything ever asked of a Moderator or Coordinator.

Duties and Responsibilities

The Game Designers (GD's) created the Mod Charter, and regularly update it. Naturally it follows that they live by it as well. When necessary they provide clarification of the intent of the Mod Charter, and its core of the Tazlure Spirit. The GD's are managers of the game as a whole, facilitating both staffers and players, guarding the quality and quantity of the game and making both short and long term strategy. Together the GD's form the Tazlure Administration. They have the final call on anything and everything, only superseded by the right of the owner to stand her ground, a privilege seldom evoked. If you need to communicate with the Tazlure Administration please PM one of us.

The GD's are the representatives of the owners of Tazlure. As such they are hand picked to fit the team, based on expedience rather than merit or seniority.

  • The GD's hire and fire staff, assigning them to areas, and in their responsibility to the game also regularly evaluate performance and attendance of staff. They take disciplinary measures if necessary. The GD's are the only ones who can take disciplinary measures towards both staff and players, and therefor must be involved by coordinators if a situation occurs.
  • The GD's are the admins of the site, and as such ensure that the technical side of the game runs smoothly.
  • The GD's are in charge of further game development of Tazlure, improving cohesion and giving it more color. This can be done by special projects or putting somebody in charge of a certain aspect. All final calls on development are made by the GD's, though this is only invoked when such is fundamental to the game.
  • The GD's are in charge of the promotion/marketing of Tazlure as a game, increasing traffic and the selection of new players, assisted by moderators.
  • The GD's share all email and PM conversations and chat logs amongst themselves for discussion in as far as it is pertinent to the running of Tazlure as a game. Please remember that if you speak to one GD you are speaking to the team, unless it was determined a private conversation beforehand.

The GD's have divided tasks between them, and at this time individually have overlapping duties such as moderator or webmaster.

Current Gamedesigners

Retired Gamedesigners