Kaza Rhun

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A panned-out sketch of the massive cavern Kazahohr and the outer walls of the great dwarven city of Kaza Rhun

Kaza Rhun is currently closed for play.


561: Kazan Dwarves (99%), Other (1%).


Pantheon of the Seven Isles.


Dwarven, Human.


The weather of Kaza Rhun can vary greatly from day to day, although the one constant seems to be that it is always cool.


The first duty of each Kazan is to his or her liege. After that, their loyalties lie strictly with their clan and family, and it is rare for a Kazan to wander outside Kaza Rhun without friends or family. Once a Kazan befriends someone, no matter the race or gender, it is for life. The person becomes an honorary member of the clan, with the Kazan expecting the same kind of treatment in return. Kazans will forgive, but they never forget. Grudges over the smallest events can be hoarded for yahren, with revenge being exacted long after the incident is forgotten.

Kazans are not fond of change of any kind, and view any new ideas with suspicion. This is one of the many reasons that Kazans don't like working with gnomes. The gnomes' taste for machines and inventiveness grates on the nerves of any Kazan. Kazans would much rather work with rocks, stones, and hard wood, things which last for a long time. This is also a reason why Kazans are fascinated with gems, which are durable and timeless.


Spirits, leather goods, textiles.


Finished metal goods, unfinished ingots, gems, crystal, coal.

City Fathers

The very strong clan systems of the Kazans have kept them out of the politics of the Western Kingdom. Disliking the ways of humans and elves, the city of Kaza Rhun has remained fully independent.


The Empire of Seven Isles.




The city of Kaza Rhun has no formal army. However, in times of need, those trained in the art of battle will gather and fight. Kazans do not go looking for a fight. However, when riled up, a Kazan's anger is not easily extinguished until they feel that their honor has been satisfied. Their physical prowess, hardiness, and skill in metal crafting means that any opponent will face a formidable opponent, especially if the Kazan is driven by the need to avenge slighted honor.

Special Interest

Architecture, Mining, Geomancy.